There are few things on Earth quite as beautiful or powerful as the Lion. To leave this planet without knowing the Lion, I would honestly say is truly missing out.
My name is Daniel mind you, so Lion's are very special to me.
Lions hold a power mankind simply does not understand. A power beyond everything we see, think and feel. The power of pure spirit, the true and living self.
A Lion embodies this power. They remind us of that great living spirit.
If you want to meet these beings I still have space on my next African expedition.
Through this artwork you can of course enjoy the Lion from a safer distance ;)
This Limited Edition Fine Art Print is crafted by a renowned European master printer in London.
Using only the most carefully selected of artisan papers and inks, each piece responds to natural light in a beautiful way - representing the subject in stunning depth.
At archival quality of the highest grade, this art is made to inspire through its natural richness. My artwork is also completely carbon neutral, and funds key tree planting projects to support natural habitat recovery.